Akademi Fantasia Season 8 ended tonight. I never been such a big fan of Akademi Fantasia, but I watched the finale tonight. The winner of Akademi Fantasia 8 is Shahir:

He was not bad, but I like the only girl contestant for finale, Adira's single better. Well, I guess in Akademi Fantasia, singing isn't really the first priority to be the winner. Good looks and charisma of that individual always dominated the voters votes. Honestly, some of the finalists sounded awful! I have to switch off my home theater system and use the TV's sound system instead. Urgh. I can't sing, but my ears certainly can detect a good singer or not. Anyway, congrats Shahir! All the best for the future!
(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)
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