I love Florence and The Machine. Florence apparently writes her best songs when she's drunk or has a hangover. Spoke like a true genius, she explains, "but you’re not really there. You’re floating through your own thoughts, and you can pick out what you need. I like those weird connections in the universe. I feel that life’s like a consistent acid trip, those times when things keep coming back."

Don't she looked like one of Tim Burton's character? Beautiful, porcelain white and each of her photos are rich in color. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland and Sweeney Todd. Anyway, check out Dog Days Are Over below:

Her debut album ‘Lungs’ is made of harps, choirs, drums, elevator shafts, bits of metal, love, death, fireworks, string quartets, stamping, sighing, strange electronic wailing, lambs, lions, sick, broken glass, blood, moon, stars, drink, coffins, teeth, water, wedding dresses.. and the silences in between. The songs are full of Gothic imagery, of fairytale flights of fantasy, and although much has been read into her lyrics, Florence says it’s usually simple. “Everything is about boys!” she laughs. “The whole album is about love – and pain. People see my lyrics as crazy, but to me it’s an honest, heartfelt album. I didn’t set out to be wacky. I just want it to be emotive."
More info on Florence and The Machine and her album, Lung can be found here.
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