"We went to Vegas a lot coz I love vegas. I love getting pampered there, I love shopping there. Obviously I would buy the high end stuff, but we always had to stay in Ceaser Palace coz that's where I would shop."
And now, Gary Coleman's ex-wife, Shannon Price (who is also the one who pulled the plug and said "even if they did take a chunk out of his brain, he would not be the same. He'd basically be like Muhammad Ali.") said that she can't afford to pay for Coleman's funeral. She said in an interview with TMZ (click here to watch the full oh-really??-interview) that they were struggling financially because Coleman's lack of work in recent years.

Oh and she went on and saying that "I'm just wishing and hoping that people will pour out to US and show their compassion like they have been sending the letters and emails."

Holy cow! First, she said Muhammad Ali is brain dead, and now after telling everyone how she love pampering and shopping high-end stuff, she's begging for funeral money.
Sad. Just sad.
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